Sunday 21 February 2010

Ex-Doctor's support for Fox Hunting ban

Colin Baker (The 6th Doctor) has given his support to LACS (League Against Cruel Sports), in a video showing numerous stars who oppose Fox hunting and other cruel sports.

In the video, Colin reacts to a video of the sport and powerfully remarks that "This isn't nature - this is an abomination" - and quite right he is too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is absolutely right! There is no case for repeal. Hunt numbers are up all over the country. Drag hunting is legal. The sense of community, pageantry, heritage, and jobs are all still intact and yet these disgraceful people can’t manage to enjoy themselves unless they are terrifying and killing animals.

If you support the hunting act, please get your names on the R.O.A.R. (Register Online Against Repeal), an ‘all party’ list at:

Please make your voices heard!