Wednesday 27 January 2010

The Time Lords - Fact File

The beginning...

The people of Gallifrey wanted to travel in time, so two brainy engineers, Omega and Rassilon, worked together to make this possible. But Omega disappeared when an experiment went wrong and everyone thought that he was dead. Rassilon got all the credit and became President of the Time Lords.

The Death Zone...

History says that Rassilon was a great leader, but others thought he was a cruel tyrant. There were rumours that the Time Lords locked him in a tomb at the heart of Gallifrey's Death Zone. He was presumed dead, although legend said that he had become immortal and would wake up again one day.


Time Lords look like humans and can regenerate if they are dying. Every cell in their body is renewed, so they end up with a new face.

Secret missions...

The Time Lords took a vow not to interfere with other planets and people. The Doctor thought this was boring, stole a TARDIS and went off to have amazing adventures. The Time Lords occasionally sent him on secret missons - including one to destroy the Daleks. This may have been what started the Last Great Time War.*

*DWA 151.

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