Friday 25 September 2009

Tom Baker in SFX

Fourth Doctor Who Tom Baker is the star of a special free gift in SFX 188 - a 56 minute long BBC Audiobooks teaser CD!
The CD features:
* Extracts from the first two Hornet‘s Nest release* Clips of archive interviews with Tom Baker from BBC Audio’s Doctor Who At The BBC collection* Extracts of Tom reading the audiobooks versions of The Pyramids Of Mars, The Brain Of Morbius and Genesis Of The Daleks* An extract from Doctor Who And The Pescatons* The classic Dead Ringers sketch with the Doctor ringing the Doctor* And loads, loads more…
SFX 188 is out now, priced £3.99 - and as an added bonus, the SFX website have published the full Tom Baker interview on their website!
Tom's as fascinating as ever, from offering his own audiobook concept (an intriguing idea) to praising various elements of The Hornet's Nest.
When it comes to the new audio drama, Baker feels that the script feels authentically Doctor Who to him. “I mean there are still bits in this that could easily be spoken by Jon Pertwee,” he laughs. “This guy, this writer, is quite poetic in some ways, but it would be quite nice to influence him a little bit like I did in the old days, put in a few jokes. I’m obsessed with jokes. As I get older and nearer to death I become more and more obsessed with jokes.
Incidentally if you haven't been already (and there is no excuse!) get yourself over to for more fascinating insight into the Doctor Who star. The website features rare photos, video excerpts and even passages from his autobiography, Who on Earth is Tom Baker?

(Thanks to group member Steve Worman for letting me know about the above, and to for the above info).