Tuesday 29 September 2009

Alun Vega photos from filming today (29 September 2009)

Whilst I was busy taking photos of Annette Crosbie, I completely missed Matt Smith getting out of the car!! Typical!.. I was mesmerized by the famous granny, I really was... I couldn't place her bloody name for the life of me!! haha! I knew she was Victor Meldrew's wife!! and I had seen her on a 50 plus advert the day before flogging summit!!!
Luckily Alun Vega was stood right next to me and managed to get a few of the Doctor... as it turned out, these were the best photos of Matt Smith (Doctor 11) that anyone was going to get today!! So well done Alun! :-)
To see Alun's photo's of the new Doctor then click on this link:
Alun Vega, I take my hat off to you, YOU ARE THE MAN!!!
Follow Alun Vega on Twitter: @alun_vega
Follow Totters on Twitter: @76TOTTERSLANE